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Website Shortcuts

In latest Android versions, system only provides details of default browser. That is why the app don’t know that other browsers exist to launch that particular shortcut. I am planning to explicitly provide list of popular browsers to select. Feel free to contact for any browser addition to the list. Meanwhile, you can create shortcut to different browser by following this guide.

Steps to create custom browser shortcut

Follow the below steps one by one:

  1. Go to Websites and enter your url for creating website shortcut.

  2. When you are in the shortcut edit screen, click on Intent Data field.

  3. You will see Package and Class fields in intent edit screen.

  4. Provide Package and Class for that respective browser you want. You can find list of package and class for popular browsers below.

  5. This will make your shortcut to use the provided browser.

  • Chrome

    • Package:
    • Class:
  • Firefox

    • Package: org.mozilla.firefox
    • Class: com.mozilla.fenix.IntentReceiverActivity
  • Brave

    • Package: com.brave.browser
    • Class:
  • Edge

    • Package:
    • Class:
  • Samsung Internet

    • Package:
    • Class:
  • Opera

    • Package: com.opera.browser
    • Class:
  • Kiwi

    • Package: com.kiwibrowser.browser
    • Class:

Steps to find browser package and class for websites

Follow the below steps one by one:

  1. Go to Websites and enter your url for creating website shortcut.

  2. When you are in the shortcut edit screen, go to system settings and change default browser to respective browser.

  3. Go back to Quikshort, and you will see Open With field. Click on it and select newly changed browser.

  4. Click on Intent Data to go to intent edit screen.

  5. You can copy Package and Class from this intent edit screen.

  6. You can now change back your default browser in system settings.